Planting Daffodils at Rāwhiti Domain...

Last Friday we went planting daffodil bulbs.  First we walked from school down to Rāwhiti Domain. When we go there we found the man who was going to help us.  He told us about plants and planting. A woman was waiting to talk to us about the project.  She told us who they were and how to plant the daffodils.

We found some tools (shovels, trowels and bulb planters).  It was good fun using the bulb planters because they were like pogo sticks!  We planted lots of bulbs and I also planted a few Bluebells as well.

We were so tired out after too!  We are all looking forward to seeing the flowers when spring comes. We had lots of fun!  By Rosie


  1. I wonder if you can all go back down and have a photo when the daffodils are all in bloom. Elizabeth

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing the pay-off from all the hard work you guys put in...come on spring!


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